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Donate To GOOOH!
Thanks for your support!
The GOOOH plan, as originally defined, has unfortunately not worked. We are considering alternatives, but until a new plan is in place there is really no reason to donate to GOOOH. We appreciate your consideration, but have ample funds for now to keep the system running. To reiterate, we suggest you NOT donate to GOOOH until a new strategy is in place. However, we are leaving the capability below in place so that the GOOOH accounts remain active and working.
When we are ready to accept donations, we will update this page. In the future, we will accept checks via mail at the address below (be sure to include your email address), online credit card payments or Paypal contributinos.
Mail a Check
PO Box 75
Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Membership in GOOOH does NOT require a donation, but we do appreciate all contributions. You may make a one-time contribution or contribute monthly. Every dollar helps.
To participate in the selection process you will need to donate $100.00, but note that you do not have to donate the full amount all at once. You may make contributions at your own pace in an amount that fits your budget. We will track the amount donated by each member and check the "donation box" once $100, or more, has been received. But, you must provide us with your email address when donating so we can credit your account. Note that donations are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income Tax purposes, and will be used for federal elections, including marketing of the GOOOH brand.
Federal employees must adhere to the "Hatch Act". The Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act) and Commission regulations prohibit federal contractors — including partnerships — from making contributions or expenditures in connection with any federal election. U.S.C. 441c(a); 11 CFR115.4(a). However, individuals who work for a federal contractor may contribute in their own name from their own personal assets. 11 CFR 115.4(b). Larger donations are of course welcome and encouraged, within the guidelines of federal donation laws. If you mail a check, be sure to include your email address on the check. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
Those making donations implicitly agree that all monies will be directed to the GOOOH National Committee (C00441568), unless earmarked for candidates. All contributions will be used wholly or in part in connection with an election for the U.S. House of Representatives. Our intent is to use 50% of funds not directed specifically to individual candidates for the promotion of GOOOH candidates, 30% for the marketing of GOOOH, and 10% for administrative, salary, technology, and legal costs. The final 10% will be held in reserve for as-needed expenses but should be considered part of the Administrative funds for now (i.e. 20% admin). GOOOH may donate up to $5000 (the FEC allowed amount) directly to individual candidates. GOOOH may also serve as a “conduit” for candidates, directing donations to individual candidates as specified on the Donate page. Note that we do not and cannot exercise any control over the candidates use of these funds. You may of course donate directly to any candidate.
All activity is documented with the FEC as required, and they audit each quarterly report.
If you would like to speak with one of our leaders before you make a contribution,
suggest a date and time
you would like us to give you a call. Be sure to include your phone number in the message.
If you have made a donation but "Step 5" in the Act/Member checklist is not "checked," send a note to the
GOOOH Donation Mailbox
We understand the skepticism and welcome the scrutiny. This is about reclaiming our government - and we hope you will bear with us as we work to improve the system. We cannot of course guarantee success, but if America rallies behind this plan, our odds are tremendously high. Thanks for your support.
This is the legal disclaimer that we all hate but the lawyers say is required. GOOOH is a new initiative, and we can make no promises that we will be successful. It is possible we will not be able to get on the ballot in any or all states. It is possible that government regulations will prevent us from spending the money as we intend. We can make no assurances that any candidate will win or receive the level of support that he/she expects. Our success will be dependent on the number of Americans who choose to participate, the timing of when they choose to participate, and a million other obstacles, most of which are unknown and unexpected at this time. Consider the American Revolution of 1776. There were no guarantees, but we are all thankful to those who took the chances they did. We hope you will join this revolution with the same spirit that guided our founding fathers and all those who have come before us. Together, we have a chance to effect change. Individually, we have little hope.
FEC 110.11 Disclaimer. This message and any GOOOH solicitation is not authorized by or associated with any specific candidate, authorized committee or agent of either. Communications are paid for by the GOOOH Political Action Committee. Refunds will only be granted for 7 days after the donation is made, only if funds are available, and at the sole discretion of GOOOH. To date, we have never refused a refund request.
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